academia, advice, John Frame, ministry, theology Sane Advice for Young Students of Theology Nathanael KingNovember 7, 2013March 12, 2019 In response to the question, “What advice would you offer to theological students and young theologians as they face a…
Christian intellectualism, Culture, theology, Timothy C. Tennent The Clarion Call to Watered Down Evangelicalism Nathanael KingSeptember 26, 2011March 12, 2019 Asbury Theological Seminary President, Timothy Tennent, gave the following address at their September Convocation at Asbury this month. This is…
J.I. Packer, justification, theology J.I. Packer on Justification Nathanael KingJuly 25, 2010March 12, 2019 J.I. Packer accurately captures how union with Christ is the mechanism of imputation: “[God] reckons righteousness to them, not because…
eschatology, John Piper, millennialism, theology 1000 Years of Peace That Christians Like To Fight About Nathanael KingOctober 13, 2009March 12, 2019 The Millennial Reign of Christ is one of the most debated and divisive topics among Christians. But it’s also a…
arminianism, book reviews, calvinism, reformed theology, Roger Olsen, theology Book Preview: Arminian Theology Nathanael KingMarch 30, 2009March 12, 2019 I’ve recently been reading the book, Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities by Roger E. Olsen. I’d highly recommend this book…